Anxiety is lying to you, here's why.

Anxiety is lying to you, here's why.

Anxiety is such a fibber, making us feel like everything is about to go wrong, looking at the worse case scenario. Anxiety is like an invisible force clouding your mind & stopping you from enjoying the simplest of things. I know, I’ve been there! Its hard to switch off from the anxious thoughts and stay in a positive mind frame all the time. Now we have the added pressure of worrying we could get the coronavirus, plus loosing our jobs, running out of funds, food and well, our sanity. It’s scary, right? and you know what you have every right to feel fearful, its a natural reaction but you can't stay there, its no good for your well being.


Although people struggling with anxiety will often know that their fears are not worth worrying over. This knowledge isn’t always enough to stop their fears from taking over their life. Especially now when there's constant news about the lockdown and the latest death toll, plus all the conspiracy theories that are flying around. Its hard to know what to believe and to be honest you have enough to contend with, so you don't really have space in your head for somebody else's thoughts. Its time to detach and concentrate on you.


When you’re isolated and worried about the world outside you can soon feel stuck in a rut. It can leave you feeling like everything is out of your control. It’s easy to go down the slippery slope where you are riddled with negative emotions, feeling jealousy because it looks like other people are having it easier than you, or anger because of all the bad decisions that are being made, which is costing people their lives. Now all these emotions are natural responses and why shouldn't you feel sad at the situation or angry because something isn't being handled right? You are entitled to feel whatever you need to feel, but again please don't stay there because all it will do is fuel your anxiety and waste your energy, its certainly not going to change the outside world.


Your inner world chats are massively impacting how you see the world right now. Your anxiety is telling you a good few lies, because the truth is, its very unlikely you'll be effected and that is something you need to remember next time you're watching the news and you feel like the room is closing in on you. Going forward think about, when you are anxious what are you telling yourself is going to happen? What you think matters, where you take your mind matters and how quick you nip it in the bud matters. I'll talk more in my upcoming Free Anxiety Workshop about how you can change your thoughts.


Just Remember that fear is fueling your anxiety, which means most of our worries will never come true and just remain a thought in our head. So worrying the house might burn down because you left the stove on has never come true. Something bad happening to your family, is so very unlikely. That rapid heartbeat doesn’t mean you’re having a heart attack, it’s just your body’s natural response to how you are thinking & feeling. Many thoughts & sensations that we interpret as cause for concern are just false alarms. It’s just about controlling your mind, instead of it controlling you.


I promise you that if i can get on top of this so can you. So try not to panic, remember you're in control and start to fill your head space with positivity, laughter and fun. You deserve to feel happy, so start with small things, relax your jaw and shoulders when you notice they are tense. Switch off the news and put something on that makes your eyes leak happy tears and unfollow everything on social media that triggers your negative thoughts, out of sight really helps.

You've got this!

Don't take our word for it


I have known Suzanne for 7 years. Reiki with Suzanne helped me throughout my pregnancy with my first child and I regard my little boy as a wonderful Reiki baby. I trained in Reiki 1 & 2 with Suzanne and cannot think of anyone else I would rather train with. An incredibly invaluable experience. She is very thorough in her healing sessions. I now regard Suzanne as a good friend and will happily travel to her for Reiki whenever I can. Aemilia Yoga teacher @ Ascension Yoga

Anmelia Barry

Manchester, UK


I have known Suzanne for many years now and feel privileged to do so. I began to see her for reiki healing sessions for myself and as I continued my healing journey I felt a soul connection to reiki myself. Suzanne has shared and guided me through to reiki master level. Her teaching sessions are thoroughly thought through with clear instruction from her during the whole workshops. Suzanne has shared reiki with me and my life has been completely transformed since then. I would not hesitate to recommend Suzanne and in fact have done on many occasions as I trust her implicitly to guide and care for others as she has always done with me. Thank you Suzanne - always love and light X

Catherine McCarthy

Mold, UK


I've had 4 of those one offsession's with Suzanne now & i'll be honest with you, i've loved them all. I've taken so much learning & insight from everything we have done, its really changed the way i think & the way i feel about my self. Its so thought provoking the way she shared, its certainly worked for me & i'm committed now to booking a session at least once every 3 months to keep on top of things. Thanks Lovely Lady X Alexi 

Alexi Lorry

Perth, Australia


I wasn't totally sure about the wellness program Suzanne runs, It's a lot of money to me, I'd never had coaching before so i decided a few one off sessions would be best. Then i totally fell in love with the processes & how Suzanne made me think totally different about situations that had be rattling around in my mind for many years. I went for it & now i'm on my second round haha! It made me realise that having her by my side regularly was having a huge impact on me positively & i wasn't about to stop that. At first i wanted sessions for past stuff, that had been getting me down for years, but now i've worked through all that crap we are concentrating on who i want to be & it its so bloody exciting.  Thank You Suzanne you are defiantly my guiding light & i feel totally lit. My spark is never going out again XXX Jenni

Jenni judge

Wiltshire, UK


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Los Angeles, CA


I love the manifesting course it really brings you back into the groove when life has taken over. It's helped me manifest lots of things including my husband. Using all the tips and tricks that Suzanne teaches you. I also managed to secure a better job earning twice what I was earning before. Even my husband wants to know what it's all about because he's seen the effect it's had on me. Are used to think you could just read books like the secret, but that's not the case.

Trish Worthington

Knightsbridge, UK


Being attuned to Reiki energy by the wonderful Suzanne ranks, right up there, with the best decisions and experiences of my whole life. It was such a truly amazing experience. It's changed so much of my life and my outlook on it. It's also changed me as a person. Oh thanks to Suzanne I can't wait to do more courses and go deeper into the learning of myself and energy..

You are truly a gifted individual and a lady that I am very proud to know as a good friend and my Reiki Master. Thank you so much. xxx

Andrea Fitzgerald

Wigan, UK


Beyond the physical course, with Suzanne, was one of the most loved and sense of true belonging, and freeing feeling that I have ever ever felt, never mind on a course. I'm now in complete appreciation of how little I was experiencing before. I look forward to how this will unfold. Energy truly is a wonderful thing to experience, and Suzanne knows how to guide you and keep you safe. There is truly no limit to the amount of gratitude I have for your spiritual courses. Thank you, Suzanne. I love you dearly you make my life easier. xxx

Kim Reekie

Tameside, UK


I have sung all of my life, but I feel I've never really sung. I know that this won't make much sense to most of you, but when you have never been encouraged or supported you always doubt yourself even when singing for Royalty, but since meeting Suzanne, she took me back to the source of the problem, I am now attempting songs that I knew I could sing, but never dare to due to my fears. Yesterday I sang and cried after completing bring him home, I never felt worthy of singing, such a powerful and emotional song. It was so beautiful and sounded so amazing that it scared me. Suzanne has helped me get to another level and build my confidence. I knew I always had it in me, but it had been hidden away with fear and doubt. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Suzanne. I am now a true performer and it's all thanks to you.

Maxine Warner

Whitefield, UK