Our Story

I've always been an old soul, the kind that takes in the injured bird and patches them up, the kind of person that sees a starfish on the beach & gets it back to the water hoping it will live. The kind of child that knows stuff they shouldn't from 100's of years before. I started seeing spirit at 1 yrs old, my mum said I wouldn't sleep when it went dark. I obviously knew something was there. I always remember feeling like I was never truly alone, and now I know that to be true. The way I see it is when you have experienced a great deal of loss and pain, you are given the gift of feeling a deep soulful empathy for others, and that my friend is how I built my business. It was always meant to be.
In short my story was one of much adversity and lack, like many of us. Struggling mentally, physically and spiritually. I have been poorly pretty much my whole life and had to fight for how well I am now. I found my way through a lonely, often dark path by scooping others up & soothing sad souls. My calling has always felt to be to give to others, what I did not receive.
I am extremely lucky that my path is now filled with an abundance of light, which I am grateful for every day.. I have a very supportive husband and two beautiful children who are all part of my team and its certainly, our story. These days you'll find me by the river on our land connecting with nature & planning more special content for you all. I can't imagine my world without a constantly curious awareness & connection to the moon, energy shifts, trees, water & those who support us from beyond this realm. I adore People, women especially as we have an unspoken bond & i wanted to create affordable courses that could travel the world bringing hope, magic & endless bundles of compassion.

No matter what's going on in your world, there's always something we can do to create some magic. My experiences have taught me anything is possible. Its that simple!

I can show you the way.

I have never met a woman who has not got the potential to be an incredible force in this world. Some don't believe they're worth, but we can change that.
I've been so lucky to have the privilege of supporting people (mainly women) for over 20 years. Its been an honour to have gained the trust of so many remarkable women with the most hidden parts of their spirit. I've always felt at home making the person in front of me "My world" for our time together. Feeling deeply connected to my clients is so important, giving me an intensely empathic insight to their emotional pain & destress.
Suzanne Prince, Intuitive healer, Magical Manifester, Soulful Coach & believer in endness possibilities.

North Wales

I live in a peaceful place up in the Welsh Snowdonia mountains surrounded by hundreds of trees & an abundantly flowing river, running along the bottom of my garden. Its a idilic environment for those wanting to heal old wounds, shed old layers & connect with the sacred being inside. Its the perfect place for me to create more magical content to share.

Darling, the whole time you thought you weren't good enough, you were overqualified!

Learn how to change the way you see yourself & build inner confidence with a Delving, deep, coaching session I help women to feel confident by sharing proven ways to stop anxiety & create inner peace with: The wellness strategy

Coming this summer

Wounded Women

A soul that feels deep empathy is a soul thats endured great pain & sadness.

Explore one to ones

Don't take our word for it


Thanks to Suzanne for a beautiful reiki session recently, I felt really good afterwards and during. I also really enjoyed the feedback afterwards, there was some food for thought xx

Michelle Hussey

Manchester, UK


I had healing from suzanne and i can honestly say it was absolutely amazing, also suzanne is one of the nicest people i have meet she makes u so welcome and at ease straight away, please keep up the fantastic work xxx

Tracey Ward

Manchester, UK


Couldn't recommend Suzanne enough!! She always goes out of her way to help in any way possible. Love the reiki healing, thankyou Suzanne for the strength you have given me and getting me to a place I felt so far away from when we met

Megan Eastwood

Saddleworth, UK


I'm blown away by the Reiki healing sessions I've had with Suzanne. I came to her because I felt stressed and fed up with work but what Suzanne did for me was so much more than help me with my stress and now I'm on my own healing journey, which I love. Suzanne will support, guide and help you with anything life throws at you. Everyone needs Suzanne in their life.

Sarah Maddock

Chaddetrton, UK


Cannot rate Suzanne enough.. Life changing experience .. Will be lifetime customers.. If you have any decisions in life where you need help Suzanne will guide the way! Xxx

Danielle Victoria

Manchester, UK


Had my first Reiki session this evening, absolutely amazing. Suzanne is such a lovely lady could have talked to her all night about alternative therapies and spirits. Absolutely fascinating - thankyou......**Update**it's now June 2015 I have done my reiki 1& 2 with Suzanne and have regular healing with her my life is completely different and very positive thanks to her help & healing - if you are thinking of using Suzanne do it you will not be disappointed. An amazing, non judgemental, positive and selfless lady

Stacey Sheridan

Manchester, UK


Suzanne is a wonderful healer who can incorporate her talents in many ways to get great results. I would highly recommend her after having Reiki treatments and her support.

Susan Phillips

Rochdale, UK


Thank you Suzanne, I have truly enjoyed my sessions with you and am amazed how powerful they have been! Although very emotional for me they have helped me to clear issues- some which I didn't even know I had! I'm very grateful for the kindness and support you have given me, guiding me through my healing and contact via email too! A very personal, unique service! With love xxx

Laura R

Manchester UK


I've only had two Reiki healing sessions with the lovely Suzanne but feel so much better than I did before. I've got more energy, feel more positive and much more resilient to whatever life throws my way. Suzanne is a lovely person to be around and what she does works, even if I don't fully understand how it does

Lisa Whetham

Uppermill, UK

Theres's Endless possibilities when women come together

Being with other women is magical.

Relaxation should be part of your daily routine.

Selfcare is essential

Sacred Gatherings

A space for women to glow unapologetically.

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