Posting Be Kind doesn't make you a kind person.
Since the devastating news about Caroline Flack taking her own life, the world has seen a new craze of social media posts asking people to be kind. I'm all for posting inspiration to empower the world to take action, but how much action is actually going to be taken? I'm seeing people post "Be Kind" & in the next breathe the same people are still making jokes about how a person looks or sharing something that shatters another persons confidence.
I've seen a select few feeling inspired to share their own story & decide enough is enough in the cruel world of social media. I have to agree something has to change, to many people are being driven to suicidal thoughts due to extreme bullying & pressure that they cannot escape from. I have never bought a newspaper or gossip magazine, I have always felt they are filled with lies, fear lead stories & people bashing stories, not my bag at all!
As I normally avoid gloomy news & gossip columns, it's only after Caroline had sadly gone that I started to understand the barrage of abuse she endured via social media. Normally my feed is filled with crystals, empowering women posts & moon memes, but all of a sudden the news was everywhere. I'm utterly shocked at how people behave, no wonder I prefer to stay in my positive bubble.
People who have experienced similar situations are now stepping forward because they feel something has to be done & they are right. Its unbearable to think people are ending up in such a dark place because of what people say & share. The media has a lot to answer for but we are part of the problem too. These magazines, blogs, Facebook & Instagram pages & programs wouldn't survive without people following, sharing & buying into them.
So how are you going to make an impact? Are you part of this new trend posting be kind & then in the next breath gossiping about someone who walks past? Or has it really made you think about your actions, your choices & how what you do/say matters? Caroline has created a huge wave for change, its your choice & actions going forward that will directly impact how much of a positive change actually happens.
I hope the world becomes a kinder place, I hope more people come forward who have been struggling & access the support they need. It all depends on us all. YOU matter, what you choose to do & how you act going forward matters. Don't just post on social media, make a difference offline. If you are with friends who are being nasty remind them how they are acting. Unfollow brands that promote negative views. Ditch the magazines that ruin peoples lives. Think of it this way, stop sharing media posts that you wouldn't want sharing about you!